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Ibiza Yoga +Sage Booking Page
Ibiza Yoga +Sage Booking Page·
Custom aromatherapy massage with best quality essentials oils selection.
Being healthy is our right ! Our products are Bio and 100% extra virgin
Being healthy is our right ! Our products are Bio and 100% extra virgin
This is one of the preferred services of our customers.
A classic massage that relieve stress deeply, special for strong sensation lovers.
A classic massage that relieve stress deeply, special for strong sensation lovers.
If you want reset your body and fully charge your batteries, don't miss the energy power of this massage
Lymphatic drainage to get deep body detox through a soft massage
If you're pregnant, from 12 weeks of gestation, this massage it's perfect for you.
Breath & Body work fusion for enjoy an amazing transpersonal experience of Light & Love
An amazing Yoga & Focusing fusion session to discover where are your blockages or limitations and work in them through the present moment of your sensations in your Yoga practice.
Go deep in your auto-knowledge !
Reserve your appointment and share your session with family or friends (max. 5 p.) without extra charges
Go deep in your auto-knowledge !
Reserve your appointment and share your session with family or friends (max. 5 p.) without extra charges
Strong massage for sport people. Pre o post-session of your favorite sport.
Get back your power !
Get back your power !
You want enjoy Yoga with your friends?
Take a Acroyoga session for fun fly with a professional acroyogui in your home.
Secure acrobatics asanas practice for yoga lovers in Ibiza.
Reserve your appointment and share your session with family or friends (max. 10 p.) without extra charges
Take a Acroyoga session for fun fly with a professional acroyogui in your home.
Secure acrobatics asanas practice for yoga lovers in Ibiza.
Reserve your appointment and share your session with family or friends (max. 10 p.) without extra charges
This dynamic, physically demanding practice was founded by K. Pattabhi Jois.
Astanga Yoga synchronize breath and movement to produce an internal heat that purify your body.
With its many vinyasas, is great for building core strength and toning your body.
Are you ready to sweat as you briskly move through a set sequence?
Reserve your appointment and share your session with family or friends (max. 5 p.) without extra charges
Astanga Yoga synchronize breath and movement to produce an internal heat that purify your body.
With its many vinyasas, is great for building core strength and toning your body.
Are you ready to sweat as you briskly move through a set sequence?
Reserve your appointment and share your session with family or friends (max. 5 p.) without extra charges
Rejuvenate your face with Facial Asanas, Kriyas & Mudras.
The most naturally way to improve the visage beauty.
You want to discover your best face?
Reserve your appointment and share your session with family or friends (max. 5 p.) without extra charges
The most naturally way to improve the visage beauty.
You want to discover your best face?
Reserve your appointment and share your session with family or friends (max. 5 p.) without extra charges
An amazing Yoga & Focusing fusion session to discover where are your blockages or limitations and work in them through the present moment of your sensations in your Yoga practice.
Go deep in your auto-knowledge !
Reserve your appointment and share your session with family or friends (max. 5 p.) without extra charges
Go deep in your auto-knowledge !
Reserve your appointment and share your session with family or friends (max. 5 p.) without extra charges
Most forms of yoga can be classified as Hatha Yoga.
Hatha is the practice of physical yoga postures, so your Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Iyengar and Power Yoga classes are all Hatha Yoga.
The word “hatha” can be translated two ways: as “willful” or “forceful,” or the yoga of activity, and as “sun” (ha) and “moon” (tha), the yoga of balance.
Hatha practices are designed to align and calm your body, mind, and spirit in preparation for meditation.
Reserve your appointment and share your session with family or friends (max. 5 p.) without extra charges
Hatha is the practice of physical yoga postures, so your Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Iyengar and Power Yoga classes are all Hatha Yoga.
The word “hatha” can be translated two ways: as “willful” or “forceful,” or the yoga of activity, and as “sun” (ha) and “moon” (tha), the yoga of balance.
Hatha practices are designed to align and calm your body, mind, and spirit in preparation for meditation.
Reserve your appointment and share your session with family or friends (max. 5 p.) without extra charges
An uplifting blend of spiritual and physical practices, Kundalini Yoga incorporates movement, dynamic breathing techniques, meditation, and the chanting of mantras, such as Sat Nam, meaning "truth is my identity."
Learn in your home how to acquire physical vitality and to increase your consciousness with a certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher.
Reserve your appointment and share your session with family or friends (max. 5 p.) without extra charges
Learn in your home how to acquire physical vitality and to increase your consciousness with a certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher.
Reserve your appointment and share your session with family or friends (max. 5 p.) without extra charges
1 €/min. to enjoy with your favorite Yoga teacher a private and customized online Yoga session.
No matter where we are, our hearts always connected !
Are you on line ?
No matter where we are, our hearts always connected !
Are you on line ?
1 €/min. to enjoy with your favorite Yoga teacher a private and customized online Meditation session.
No matter where we are, our hearts always connected !
Are you on line ?
No matter where we are, our hearts always connected !
Are you on line ?
Or called too Restorative Yoga, it's a sequence that involves only five or six poses, supported by props that allow you to completely relax and rest.
Held for 5 minutes or more, this restoratives poses include light twists, seated forward folds, and gentle back bends.
Most restorative practices are based on the teachings of B.K.S. Iyengar.
Take all the time you need to reset your body !
Reserve your appointment and share your session with family or friends (max. 3 p.) without extra charges
Held for 5 minutes or more, this restoratives poses include light twists, seated forward folds, and gentle back bends.
Most restorative practices are based on the teachings of B.K.S. Iyengar.
Take all the time you need to reset your body !
Reserve your appointment and share your session with family or friends (max. 3 p.) without extra charges
Yoga & Massage Fusion
Full enjoy best massage technics during your Yoga Practice.
You are lucky ! The teacher is also a therapist and can help you to relieve tensions and take out blockages during your asanas play.
Most effective way to do Yoga: You perform your Yoga practice and we undo the tensions of your body with pressures or corrections assistance !
Don't miss this great combination and inclusive opportunity to learn more about your body with a experimented master's help.
Have you already tasted before ?
Full enjoy best massage technics during your Yoga Practice.
You are lucky ! The teacher is also a therapist and can help you to relieve tensions and take out blockages during your asanas play.
Most effective way to do Yoga: You perform your Yoga practice and we undo the tensions of your body with pressures or corrections assistance !
Don't miss this great combination and inclusive opportunity to learn more about your body with a experimented master's help.
Have you already tasted before ?
Rejuvenate & health your face with fine acupuncture.
You can see amazing results in only one session.
It's like a lifting effect, but pain-free that use not intrusive technics.
Don't miss it, the results are amazing !
You can see amazing results in only one session.
It's like a lifting effect, but pain-free that use not intrusive technics.
Don't miss it, the results are amazing !
Chinese Traditional Medicine treatment at home
Customized and adapted to your Dosha:
Vata, Pitta or Kapha.
Enjoy this millenary technic massage in your home.
Vata, Pitta or Kapha.
Enjoy this millenary technic massage in your home.
Instant Beauty & Healthy Face with this Japanese treatment
Massage in the reflex zones:
Head, hands & feet.
A treatment session that balance all your body & mind.
Without doubt, one of the preferred treatments by our customers
Head, hands & feet.
A treatment session that balance all your body & mind.
Without doubt, one of the preferred treatments by our customers
Receive Full Universal Love Energy
Reiki help you to balance your astral energy and Chakras to get a very comfortable sensation like you're floating on the clouds.
The therapist give you a spiritual healing treatment trough applying Universal Love Energy.
Try this oriental therapy to know the great subtitles sensations without touching you.
This is a sweet massage for your soul, to trigger self-healing processes in the suit.
Don't miss it !
Reiki help you to balance your astral energy and Chakras to get a very comfortable sensation like you're floating on the clouds.
The therapist give you a spiritual healing treatment trough applying Universal Love Energy.
Try this oriental therapy to know the great subtitles sensations without touching you.
This is a sweet massage for your soul, to trigger self-healing processes in the suit.
Don't miss it !
For bring better flow your meridians energy and balance the Yin and the Yang
The authentic Thai Massage in your own home
Kobido & Acupuncture fusion
Special Japanese beauty treatment to rejuvenate your skin and look like a star.
We maximize the results effect of this method with an acupuncture session specially create to increase facial beauty.
Get attract all the gazes with a renovate visage.
Special Japanese beauty treatment to rejuvenate your skin and look like a star.
We maximize the results effect of this method with an acupuncture session specially create to increase facial beauty.
Get attract all the gazes with a renovate visage.
Oriental massage technic.
It's like shiatsu but using our clean feet, walking in your body, for totally relieve stress.
An amazing deep pressure method that help you to forget all your body tensions.
Specially created for strong sensations lovers.
An unforgettable experience !
It's like shiatsu but using our clean feet, walking in your body, for totally relieve stress.
An amazing deep pressure method that help you to forget all your body tensions.
Specially created for strong sensations lovers.
An unforgettable experience !
Breath & Body Work fusion for enjoy an amazing transpersonal experience of Light & Love.
Take responsibility of your emotions through a easy way healing breathing method for conscience opening in a sure and full integrated process with experimented transpersonal therapist help.
Take responsibility of your emotions through a easy way healing breathing method for conscience opening in a sure and full integrated process with experimented transpersonal therapist help.
Enjoy a mixed technics Massage to test the best combination for a VIP experience session in your home.
Enjoy unforgettable experience with 2 professionals synchronized masseuses.
Delicious Hawaiian Massage with 100% Extra Virgin Coco Oil Bio.
Special for amazing sensations lovers.
Special for amazing sensations lovers.
Certified professional osteopath session with all guarantees for your tranquility.
For sure, you're in good hands with our therapist selection.
A privilege treatment in your home
For sure, you're in good hands with our therapist selection.
A privilege treatment in your home
Certified professional physiotherapy session with all guarantees for your tranquility.
For sure, you're in good hands with our therapist selection.
A privilege treatment in your home
For sure, you're in good hands with our therapist selection.
A privilege treatment in your home
For deep ancestral experiences lovers. Find your life mission inside you.
There are only a way to come back home, and this is the auto-knowledge way.
Are you ready for know who you really are?
Waiting a signal?
There are only a way to come back home, and this is the auto-knowledge way.
Are you ready for know who you really are?
Waiting a signal?
Opposite but complementary therapies with 2 unsynchronized therapists working together.
Really crazy experience !
Really crazy experience !
Massage & Yoga fusion for feel best peace experience and without leaving your home.
Enjoy with a Yoga Master this special therapy for your body & mind balancing.
A perfect method for yoga experts to improve their practice with a experimented body-work therapist helping hand.
This is the Yoga Retreats's favorite treatment in Ibiza currently.
You want to know why?
Reserve to know what really good massage is and why there are more and more Yogamassage lovers each day.
Enjoy with a Yoga Master this special therapy for your body & mind balancing.
A perfect method for yoga experts to improve their practice with a experimented body-work therapist helping hand.
This is the Yoga Retreats's favorite treatment in Ibiza currently.
You want to know why?
Reserve to know what really good massage is and why there are more and more Yogamassage lovers each day.
Add Hot Stones to your treatment for restore your body and relieve pain with a really relaxing massage.
Very recommended in cool days or for those with chronic back pain.
Very recommended in cool days or for those with chronic back pain.
Reiki help you to balance your astral energy and Chakras to get a very comfortable sensation like you're floating on the clouds.
The therapist give you a spiritual healing treatment trough applying universal love.
Try this oriental therapy to know the great subtitles sensations without touching you.
This is a sweet massage for your soul, to trigger self-healing processes in the suit.
Don't miss it !
The therapist give you a spiritual healing treatment trough applying universal love.
Try this oriental therapy to know the great subtitles sensations without touching you.
This is a sweet massage for your soul, to trigger self-healing processes in the suit.
Don't miss it !
Mini Relaxing Massage for Kids
Take more time for your service
Take more time for your service
Yoga & Massage Fusion
Full enjoy best massage technics during your Yoga Practice.
You are lucky ! The teacher is also a therapist and can help you to relieve tensions and take out blockages during your asanas play.
Most effective way to do Yoga: You perform your Yoga practice and we undo the tensions of your body with pressures or corrections assistance !
Don't miss this great combination and inclusive opportunity to learn more about your body with a experimented master's help.
Have you already tasted before ?
Full enjoy best massage technics during your Yoga Practice.
You are lucky ! The teacher is also a therapist and can help you to relieve tensions and take out blockages during your asanas play.
Most effective way to do Yoga: You perform your Yoga practice and we undo the tensions of your body with pressures or corrections assistance !
Don't miss this great combination and inclusive opportunity to learn more about your body with a experimented master's help.
Have you already tasted before ?
#ibizaparty it’s too much for your body!
You must to balance your energy before back again to the next party.
Believe us: the best it’s book today & enjoy tomorrow* #goodmassages at home sharing a revitalizing wellness experience with friends.
Book yourself* to enjoy our groups offer #afterparty:
3️⃣ massages ✖️ 6️⃣0️⃣ min. or
4️⃣ massages ✖️ 4️⃣5️⃣ min. or
5️⃣ massages ✖️ 3️⃣0️⃣ min.
1️⃣9️⃣9️⃣ ✖️ 3️⃣ hours
* offer only valid if you book yourself an appointment for tomorrow
You must to balance your energy before back again to the next party.
Believe us: the best it’s book today & enjoy tomorrow* #goodmassages at home sharing a revitalizing wellness experience with friends.
Book yourself* to enjoy our groups offer #afterparty:
3️⃣ massages ✖️ 6️⃣0️⃣ min. or
4️⃣ massages ✖️ 4️⃣5️⃣ min. or
5️⃣ massages ✖️ 3️⃣0️⃣ min.
1️⃣9️⃣9️⃣ ✖️ 3️⃣ hours
* offer only valid if you book yourself an appointment for tomorrow
Enjoy -10€ discount in massages for 2 people, but only one therapist.
Enjoy -20€ discount in massages for 2 people, but only one therapist.
Enjoy -30€ discount in massages for 2 people, but only one therapist.
Get two Yoga Classes at Home but pay only one.
Any style but only for new users.
You can share both session with family and friends (max. 10 p.)
Any style but only for new users.
You can share both session with family and friends (max. 10 p.)
Book Yourself to enjoy -10 € discount in your next service at home
is a millennial medicine based essentially on the therapeutic use of the venom of bees and the products derived from the hive.
It is a form of 100% natural medicine that is currently completely rationalized within strictly scientific and technical arguments (Biochemistry, Physiology, Physiopathology, Pharmacology, Dosage, Anatomy and Bioscience are some of the scientific and medical branches that involves true Apitherapy) ; and that is absolutely integrated to the logic of the organic functioning of the human body.
Despite the great benefits it has to treat a long list of ailments and diseases, none of the products that collect and / or produce bees, can be reproduced artificially by man and / or technology or science.
Pollen, honey, propolis, royal jelly, and even less the bee's venom, can be artificially "manufactured" by man in the form of basic raw material (man can only harvest them thanks to the work of the bees ); in this case, only nature through the bee itself can create and / or collect these raw materials that are currently used for medicinal purposes without questioning.
This is an exciting world that is in full phase of professional expansion.
I invite you to know about this wonderful form of complementary medicine that Hippocrates already around the year -400 BC defined as "... that curious Medicine that comes from the sky ..."
It is a form of 100% natural medicine that is currently completely rationalized within strictly scientific and technical arguments (Biochemistry, Physiology, Physiopathology, Pharmacology, Dosage, Anatomy and Bioscience are some of the scientific and medical branches that involves true Apitherapy) ; and that is absolutely integrated to the logic of the organic functioning of the human body.
Despite the great benefits it has to treat a long list of ailments and diseases, none of the products that collect and / or produce bees, can be reproduced artificially by man and / or technology or science.
Pollen, honey, propolis, royal jelly, and even less the bee's venom, can be artificially "manufactured" by man in the form of basic raw material (man can only harvest them thanks to the work of the bees ); in this case, only nature through the bee itself can create and / or collect these raw materials that are currently used for medicinal purposes without questioning.
This is an exciting world that is in full phase of professional expansion.
I invite you to know about this wonderful form of complementary medicine that Hippocrates already around the year -400 BC defined as "... that curious Medicine that comes from the sky ..."
1 €/min. to enjoy with your favorite Yoga teacher a private and customized online Yoga session.
No matter where we are, our hearts always connected !
Are you on line ?
No matter where we are, our hearts always connected !
Are you on line ?
1 €/min. to enjoy with your favorite Yoga teacher a private and customized online Meditation session.
No matter where we are, our hearts always connected !
Are you on line ?
No matter where we are, our hearts always connected !
Are you on line ?
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